CIDOB and Banco Sabadell Foundation renew their commitment to young research talent with the second edition of the “Programa Talent Global”

Noticia Programa Talent Global castellano

As a result of the collaboration agreement between CIDOB and the Banco Sabadell Foundation, the “Programa Talent Global” promotes the “Junior Visiting Fellowship”, the “21st Century Europe Talent Award” and the “Global Challenges Talent Award”. The call for applications is open from November 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022. The decision will be announced before May 31, 2022.

In November 2020, CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) and the Banco Sabadell Foundation launched the “Programa Talent Global” with the aim of promoting quality work by young researchers through two prizes for applied research and a paid research stay at CIDOB.

More than 100 young people from around the world applied to the first edition of the “Global Challenges Talent”, “21st Century Europe Talent” and “Junior Visiting Fellowship” prizes.

“Global Challenges Talent Award” and “21st Century Europe Talent Award”: research talent, a bet on our future

The “Talent Global Challenges” and the “21st Century Europe Talent” awards recognize quality research by rewarding high-level academic works that have an original analytical approach and include applied research.

The “Global Challenges Talent Award” seeks to attract research on global issues, with a focus on technological revolutions and their impact on international relations and governance, challenges in sustainable development, climate change and global inequality, new global geopolitical dynamics, geoeconomics and trade relations, and gender and international relations.

The “21st Century Europe Talent Award”, awarded jointly with Fundació Catalunya Europa, promotes research on European issues, with a focus on the challenges of European integration, European policies in the economic, social and political fields, and the European Union as a global player.

The call for both awards is open from November 1, 2021 and will end on February 28, 2022. Both awards are endowed with € 2,500, and among the requirements is to be under 45 years old and that the research has been written in the last year. The decision will be announced before May 31, 2022, and will be judged by a jury formed of members of the promoting organizations and three experts on the themes of the call. 

The public presentation of the winning works will form part of the CIDOB-Banco Sabadell Foundation Dialogues, which will take place on June 2022.

“Junior Visiting Fellowship”: a paid research stay at CIDOB

The “Programa Talent Global” promoted by CIDOB and the Banco Sabadell Foundation also supports the training of young talents with the call for the “Junior Visiting Fellowship”, which gives a young researcher up to 30 years old the opportunity to join CIDOB’s researcher team for a period of six months through a paid research stay.

>> Check the rules and requirements for the “Programa Talent Global” here.