Rafael Martínez

Associate Senior Researcher
Professor of Political Science and the Administration from the University of Barcelona. Graduate in Law from the universities of Zaragoza and Pau (France). Gained a DEA from the latter university and Doctor of Law from the University of Zaragoza. Extraordinary prize of Doctorate and national prize for research into peace, security and defence from the Ministry of Defence in 2003. He has worked as an assistant lecturer at the universities of Pau and Zaragoza. Tutor for UNED and contributor to the UOC. He has been a guest lecturer at Lyon II, Montpellier I, the University Católica of Uruguay and the Centroamericana of El Salvador. He has been a guest researcher at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Polítiques in Paris. Notable works: Sistemas de gobierno, partidos y territorio (2000) together with Cesáreo R. Aguilera de Prat (published by Tecnos), La elección presidencial mediante doble vuelta en Latinoamérica (2004, published by ICPS), La seguridad desde las dos orillas (2006) together with Joseph S. Tulchin, published by Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and Los mandos de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas del siglo XXI (2007, published by CIS).