Francesco Pasetti

Research Fellow
Francesco Pasetti is a Research Fellow at CIDOB in the area of Migrations and adjunct professor at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) and at Pompeu Fabra University. His interest in “migration matters” dates back to his experience at the ASK Research Center (Bocconi University) where he developed a two-year project on diasporic media. Turned his attention to the world of politics, he delved into the study of migrant integration and its politics at GRITIM-UPF as PhD candidate. In his thesis, Pasetti addressed the issue of integration policies in Europe through a mixed-method investigation, paying special attention to the political imaginaries that lie beyond citizenship regimes in Italy and Spain. His expertise on integration policy grows in parallel as research collaborator for the Migration Policy Center (European University Institute) between 2013 and 2015. Since 2017, he has specialized in policy evaluation based on indicators. Currently, he is working on policies and political discourses on refugees, paying special attention to the Spanish context.