Eloi Serrano i Robles

Eloi Serrano (PhD) is the Director of the Social Economics Chair in the Tecnocampus - Pompeu Fabra University and Associate Professor in Business Economics in the same university. He is also a lecturer in the Department of History and Economic Institutions at the University of Barcelona.  Eloi holds a PhD in Economic History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2012), which won the Research Prize of the Ernest Lluch Foundation (2008). His research interests are on international economic relations and the internationalization of companies – with a special focus on the relationships between Spain and Latin America. He has published several books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals on this topic. Other fields of research include those related to Social Economics and cooperativism in companies. Prior to his current appointments, he was a lecturer at the Department of Economics and Economic History in Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005-2011) and a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2010). He has also been Principal Investigator of the Pasqual Maragall Legacy Program of the Catalonia Europe Foundation (2012-2015). 

External publications


  • El camí cap a l’Amèrica Llatina, la internacionalització de les empreses espanyoles (1980-2005). Editorial Pagès, ISBN: 978-84-9975-041-5. 416 páginas. Diciembre 2010.
  • El camino hacia la América Latina, la internacionalización de las empresas españolas. Editorial Milenio, ISBN: 978-84-9743-440-9 430 páginas Febrero 2011.

Capítulos de Libro:

  • “El desarrollo empresarial español y el modelo neoliberal en la Argentina de los 90”. Obra colectiva coordinada por el Dr.Claudio Belini (Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET) (Forthcoming), 2016
  • "Les inversions dels Països Catalans a l'estranger". Historia, cultura i Societat dels Països Catalans. Edicions 62 - Enciclopèdia Catalana. Coordinador : Borja de Riquer i Permanyer. ISBN 978-84-412-1775-5. pp. 154-155, 2008 


  • Latin American Economic History, Business History and Economy of Enterprise: Current trends con Araceli Almaraz. The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business. 2016.Vol 1, No 1. pp 95-115
  •  La Inversión española directa en América Latina ¿un Proceso impulsado a partir de la empresa pública?. Revista de Historia Industrial.2013.Vol.53, pp 175-212.
  • Motivaciones de Pemex en Repsol. Revista Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, 2012.Vol. 12: N 2, pp.58-66.
  • Soberanía alimentaria y Cambios en la dieta en México 1961-2009. Una primera aproximación a partir de los datos sobre consumo aparente de la FAO. Con Xavier Cussó (UAB). UAB-UHE Working Paper 2012_07