Carmen Claudín

Carmen Claudín is an Associate Senior Researcher at CIDOB, (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), where she has been Director of Research as well as Deputy Director for several years. She has a master’s degree in Philosophy from the University of the Sorbonne Paris I, where she also studied a postgraduate course in History specializing in Russian and Soviet history. Her book, Lénine et la révolutionculturelle (La Haye: Mouton, 1975) has been translated to English and Spanish. She has written on Soviet and post-Soviet issues for a variety of magazines and newspapers. She has traveled extensively throughout the region and has been an OSCE electoral observer in Tajikistan, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. She is member of the Board of Directors of the Migration Policy Group, Brussels; the Advisory Board of the Vienna-based FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (ROCPE) and of the EU-Russia Strategy Group, convened by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). She is also member of the Editorial Board of esglobal (the former Spanish edition of Foreign Policy).

Her main areas of interest are Russia’s and Ukraine’s domestic and foreign policies, conflicts in the post-Soviet space, the processes of reform in the post-Soviet societies. Prior to becoming a resident in Barcelona, she lived in the Soviet Union and France. She speaks Spanish, French, Catalan, English and Russian.


External publications