Antoni Segura i Mas

President of CIDOB, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Director of the Centre for International Historical Studies at the University of Barcelona (UB) till September 2016. Specialized in conflict analysis, he has authored and edited numerous books and research articles: «El món d’avui. De la guerra freda als reptes de la interdependència global» (Edicions UB, 2023);  “Migrants, desplaçats, refugiats i conflicte a la mediterrània” (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 2021); “The Fall of the USSR and its Aftermath” (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2018); «La crisi dels refugiats i els nous conflictes armats» (2016); «Del Acuerdo Sykes-Picot al Estado Islámico» (2016), «The End of two-party system in Spain?» (2016); «L’ascens de l’extrema dreta i l’amenaça de la islamofòbia» (2016); «Els orígens d'Estat Islàmic» (2015); EstadosUnidos, el islam y el nuevo orden mundial (2013); Soldiers, Bombs and Rifles: Military History of the 20th Century (2013); «From Cold War to Asymmetric Conflicts: Players, Values ​​and Characteristics of Wars in the Second Half of 20th Century (1945-2012)» (2013); Hablemos de reconciliación (Universitat de Barcelona, 2013); “The Spanish Transition and the Arab Spring” Euromesco paper, 12 (IEMED, Barcelona, 2012); Euskadi: crònica d’una desesperança (L’Avenç, Barcelona, 2009); Senyors i vassalls del segle XXI (La Campana, Barcelona, 2004);  Irak en la encrucijada (RBA, Madrid, 2003); Aproximació al món islàmic. Des dels orígens fins als nostres dies (Edicions UOC - Pòrtic, Barcelona, 2002); Más allá del islam (Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2001).  

He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed). He has been a member of the Advisory Board of Casa Árabe- International Institute of Arabic Studies and the Muslim World (2006-2012), and a member of the Governing Body of the Catalan International Institute for Peace (ICIP) (2008-2011). He has been the Director of the journal Índice Histórico Español (2012-2020). He has been commissioned several exhibitions about the Republic, the Civil War in Catalonia and Spain, the Arab World and Islam. He has been a guest lecturer in various Spanish and international universities and institutions. He regularly appears on various media (press, radio and television). 

External publications