Ana Ballesteros Peiró

Ph.D. in Arab and Islamic Studies from Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (UAM). She took Ph.D. studies on Islam in South Asia at the School of International Studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University (2001/2002, New Delhi, India). She has worked for UAM’s Foundation (pre-doctoral contract, 2008-2010) in a research project on sectarian and group violence based at the department of Social Psychology and Methodology (UAM). She has taught International Cooperation in Central and South Asia at the University of Castilla La-Mancha (2008-2013). She has also been part of the Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding group at the School for a Culture of Peace at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (2014-2015). She is associate researcher at the Observatory of Politics and Elections in the Arab and Muslim World (OPEMAM), following Pakistan and Afghanistan. Her main areas of expertise are South Asia, Islamic sectarianism and sociology of religion.