The Mediterranean priority: what are our partners concerned about?

This Foreign Policy Dialogue will be a platform to listen to them and to generate a Mediterranean agenda adapted to the new global geopolitical context and to the needs of the region's citizens.


CIDOB, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona

Organized by:

CIDOB with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

The Mediterranean has always been one of Spain’s priorities when it has assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. The aim has been to raise awareness about the centrality of this region, strengthen the dynamics of partnership, mobilise resources to meet the challenges and propose an agenda of transformative proposals. This spirit can be revived in 2023. For this to happen, it is of utmost importance to listen to the priorities, concerns and hopes of our partners and neighbouring countries. This dialogue will be a platform to listen to them and to generate a Mediterranean agenda adapted to the new global geopolitical context and to the needs of the region’s citizens.