Democracy and War in Palestine and Ukraine: What Role for the European Union?

How effective is the EU’s democracy support in these war-torn regions? How has the EU's approach to its Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods adapted in response to these ongoing crises? This event, part of CIDOB’s "What’s Going on in the World?" series, will feature researchers from Horizon Europe project SHAPEDEM-EU, which seeks to rethink and reshape the EU’s democracy support policies. 


Sala Jordi Maragall, CIDOB. Elisabets 12, 08001, Barcelona

Organized by:

CIDOB, in the frame of the SHAPEDEM-EU project

Two devastating conflicts are shaking the European Union’s Southern and Eastern neighborhoods: the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the brutal war in Gaza. In Ukraine, Russia’s invasion has caused widespread destruction, displacing over 6 million people and killing more than 10,000 civilians, threatening the country’s sovereignty. In Gaza, Israeli military operations have killed over 41,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, leaving nearly two millions displaced in dire humanitarian conditions. Moreover, Israel's recent extension of the conflict into Lebanon raises the risk of regionalization more than ever. As both wars continue and the prospects for peace remain distant, democracy support seems to have taken a backseat, with immediate security concerns dominating the agenda. 

In this context, what role does the EU play in these two conflicts? How effective is the EU’s democracy support in these war-torn regions? Furthermore, how has the EU's approach to its Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods adapted in response to these ongoing crises?

This event, part of CIDOB’s "What’s Going on in the World?" series, will feature researchers from Horizon Europe project SHAPEDEM-EU, which seeks to rethink and reshape the EU’s democracy support policies. The panel includes Andrea Gawrich, professor of Political Science at Justus Liebig University (Germany) and SHAPEDEM-EU scientific coordinator; Anna Osypchuk, associate professor of Sociology at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine); Karim Makdisi, associate professor of International Politics at the American University in Beirut (Lebanon); and Michelle Pace, professor in Global Studies at Roskilde University. Moussa Bourekba, research fellow at CIDOB, will moderate the discussion.

The event will be held in English. Spanish translation will be available.

>> The session will be streamed live at CIDOB’s YouTube channel.


Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europa, GA no.  101059811

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.