"The crisis of democracy: global and European perspectives", Presentation of CIDOB International Yearbook 2025 (Ed. 2024)

CIDOB presents the 34th edition of the CIDOB International Yearbook in a conversation that will address the current international context of the crisis of democratic values and the rise of the extreme right in Europe and around the world. 


Sala Jordi Maragall, CIDOB, Elisabets 12, Barcelona

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CIDOB presents the 34th edition of the CIDOB International Yearbook, a pioneering publication and a reference in the study and dissemination of international relations in our country.

In this context, CIDOB is organising the debate “The Crisis of Democracy: European and Global Perspectives”, a conversation that will deal with the international context of the crisis of democratic values and the rise of the extreme right in Europe and around the world. 

It will also be an opportunity to present the edition of the CIDOB International Yearbook 2025, which, apart from the rise of the radical right, deals with the role of the Global South in the international order and the multiple economic, social and political implications of the age of insecurity.


  • José Manuel Albares, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Gobierno de España (online)
  • Jaume Duch, Minister of European Union and External Action, Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Roberto Foa, co-director of the Center for the Future of Democracy, Cambridge University; member of the executive committee of the World Values Survey
  • Caroline de Gruyter, journalist and Associate Professor of Political Science; European Affairs correspondent and columnist for NRC Handelsblad, Foreign Policy, EUobserver and De Standaard
  • Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs)
  • Antoni Segura, President, CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs)

Simultaneous translation available during the event.