The role of communication in facing Europe’s challenges
Identity and foreign policy in the discourses of European commissioners in the contexts of Turkey’s membership and European security
Challenges and opportunities to European Integration
The communication of the EU in the Italian newspapers: an analysis of Marco Zatterin’s articles and the metaphor “EU-as-supervisor”
Reporting Europe: from united in diversity towards a collective entity
Additional Guarantee: European Identity – the Semantic Product
What the referendum for independence in Scotland has taught us
Mass media and political engagement in Europe
The future of Europe looks bright
Communicating Europe: is it really that complicated?
Introduction: Communicating Europe behind (mis)understandings
The Future of the Union: between Federalism and Reality
Domestication of European News: the Polish example
RNE – El matí a Ràdio 4
Rússia envia mitjans aeris a la guerra de Síria
Putin bombardeja Síria per salvar Baixar al-Assad
Eleccions al sud d’Europa: és Portugal diferent?
RAC1 – No ho sé
Quin paper juga Rússia en el conflicte de Síria?
“Russia for Russians!” Ultranationalism and xenophobia in Russia: from marginality to state promoted philosophy
RNE – Metròpoli