Transculturality and interdisciplinarity. Challenges for research on media, migration and intercultural dialogue

Monografia CIDOB_Transculturality
Data de publicació: 04/2014
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 The I Training Workshop on «Methodology for Research on Media, Migration and Intercultural Dialogue» was organised by CIDOB in collaboration with the Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility of United Nations University (UNU-GCM). The aforementioned topics –Media, Migration and Intercultural Dialogue– are major issues of concern for researchers on Intercultural Dynamics in the context of constant flows of transnational mobility. More specifically, this one-day event focused on methodology, how it is applied to these interlinking topics, and how it is influenced by them. The main objective of the Training Workshop was to promote research by creating a space for dialogue to enable young researchers to reflect together on common challenges and methodological issues. Furthermore, this collaborative space led to the creation of networks useful for their ongoing work. This publication collects the lectures given in this Training Workshop, by the two key-note speakers (Professor Iain Chambers and Professor Kevin Robins), as well as a summary of the main ideas raised in the discussion sessions.

Publication content

INTRODUCTION: Responsibility of Research and Knowledge Transfer
Yolanda Onghena

A Fluid Archive
Iain Chambers

Transcultural Research as Encounter, and a Possible Creative Modality of its Dialogue
Kevin Robins

Discussing Media, Migration and Intercultural Dialogue
Isabel Verdet Peris and Hala Elhefnawy

Trainning Workshop Programme