Research Study on the Role of Women and Youth in Preventing Violent Extremism

This project will address the role of women and youth in preventing violent extremism in seven countries: Germany, Spain, France, Jordan, Morocco, the United Kingdom and Tunisia.

Research Study on the Role of Women and Youth in Preventing Violent Extremism
Número de projecte: 33 - PRO131SCA-2017
Duració: -
Pressupost: 100.000 €

With a view to identify and understand the key factors that prevent radicalisation towards violent extremism, the project will be guided by four research objectives:

  1. Examine the patterns of violent extremism of individuals: through the analysis of the role played by social and institutional environment.
  2. Analyse factors that prevent people from embracing violent extremism: both structural and individual factors will be studied through data analysis and case studies.
  3. Promote the exchange of good practices: examining existing programmes and initiatives in the countries of study and, if applicable, researching practices that are applicable in other contexts.
  4. Identify opportunities and ‘entry points’ to support the inclusion of women and young people as preventers of violent extremism in PVE strategies: studying ways in which youth and women as preventers can be included in the policy-making and decision making processes as part of integrated PVE strategies.
