‘BRIDGES assessing the production and impact of migration narratives’ 1st Annual Meeting

‘BRIDGES assessing the production and impact of migration narratives’ is holding its 1st Annual Meeting in Barcelona from 18 to 20 May. CIDOB, as BRIDGES coordinating institution, is hosting this three-day event, which will gather 30 experts from 8 different countries to take stock of the project’s achievements since its kick-off and pave the way for the next two years.


CIDOB. Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona

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CIDOB in the framework of the BRIDGES project

BRIDGES reaches its first anniversary with a positive balance in terms of research, co-production, and dissemination activities. The project has already released the publications setting the bases for its overall research efforts, such as the Guidelines on how to include the gender perspective in the analysis of migration narratives, a Historical report on the evolution of migration and integration narratives in Europe, and a state of the art on The emergence, uses and impact of narratives on migration. It is about to release its first results on the role of media as narrative producers in six different European countries, and research efforts are also underway in relation to the role of civil society organisations in countering exclusionary narratives and to the impact of EU-funded information campaigns targeting potential migrants in countries of origin and transit. Simultaneously, BRIDGES has implemented a full-fledged communications strategy and has released its first video on the concept of migration narratives, while getting ready to kick off its co-production activities in the fall of 2022. 

BRIDGES 1st Annual Meeting will take stock of all these activities and pave the way forward. To do so, this event will start with a meeting of the project’s Steering Committee on 18 May, followed by Parallel Working Sessions on the different Work Packages and an Interdisciplinary Seminar to discuss the definition of migration narratives’ success and the factors leading to it on 19 May. These internal meetings will be complemented with a workshop with media professionals to jointly reflect on the role of media in explaining migration crises on 20 May. 

BRIDGES is a project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. It is implemented by a diverse consortium involving 12 universities, research centres, civil society organisations, and cultural associations from all over Europe.