Victims of trafficking in Spain: the international protection system

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2019
Publication date: 11/2019
Begoña Santos Olmeda, consultora e investigadora independiente especializada en migraciones
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Victims of trafficking have been accessing international protection in Spain since the end of 2016. The EU’s 2013 Reception Directive defines them as vulnerable applicants who may have particular reception needs. These needs must be evaluated and the reception conditions provided must be adapted to them. This study seeks to understand whether the rights in this directive are applied in practice and, if not, to indicate the main hindrances to their fulfilment. Hence, in addition to the documentary analysis and review, in-depth interviews have been conducted with the main actors involved in the asylum procedure and in the reception of applicants for international protection and refugees.

Key Words: Spain, victims of trafficking, asylum, reception, international protection

How to cite this article: Santos Olmeda, Begoña. «Las víctimas de trata en España: el sistema de acogida de protección internacional ». Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2019 (noviembre de 2019), p. 144-166. DOI:


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