Syria: Chronicle of a repression foretold

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_96
Publication date: 12/2011
Naomí Ramírez Díaz
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The solid stability of the regime established by the Assad family has been challenged by a population which, deprived of its freedom and dignity, took to the streets in mid-March 2011 to call for the introduction of a democratic system that would guarantee their physical safety, moral integrity and respect for their freedom. This movement, peaceful in nature, broke the dynamic of the accumulation of power of elites which, having lost all legitimacy, have turned to violence to attempt to maintain their interests. As the number of civilian victims rises, the opposition is not playing a very effective role in preventing a power vacuum or social conflict in the event that the regime collapses, and they have been accused of trying to gain power by taking advantage of the people’s movement. Meanwhile, the international community and the regional powers have shown that their regional interests take precedence over the dignity of the Syrian people. In light of the situation, it is difficult to predict the country’s future direction.

Keywords: Syria, revolts, regime, repression, geo-strategy, stability

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