Southeast Asia-South America interregionalism: a complement to bilateralism

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_113
Publication date: 09/2016
M. Florencia Rubiolo, investigadora, Centro de Investigación y Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad, CONICET y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
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Inter-state relations between the countries of South America and Southeast Asia (SEA) have blossomed in the past 15 years, arousing the interest of a growing number of academics. Their interregional relations, on the other hand, have been less well examined, due, probably, to the fact that their development remains incipient, as well as sporadic and poorly institutionalised.
The starting point for this work is the premise that in the case of non-central regions this level of connection complements and works as a feedback mechanism for bilateral links and encourages State-State, State-region and region-region rapprochement. It introduces notions of South American regionalism and centres on concepts related to non-triadic interregionalism in the initiatives between South America and SEA since 1999.

Key words: interregionalism, regionalism, South America, Southeast Asia

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