South America in a new world

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_100
Publication date: 12/2012
Alberto van Klaveren, Catedrático de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Chile. Exsubsecretario y Embajador, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile
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South American countries participate on the new international stage in very diverse ways, reflecting their different political models and preferences. The big changes that have seriously affected the international system have had a profound impact on South America. The United States are no longer the dominant power in the world, nor in their old backyard, South America. Europe retains a certain role in the area, but the crisis it is undergoing is limiting its influence in the region. Relations between South American counties are increasing, but not within the framework of a single, coherent integration process. China, India, Korea, and other Asian countries are joining Japan’s traditional and always discreet presence in the area, but up to now Asia has confined itself to economic exchanges with South America. In general, South America is consolidating itself as the second-largest emerging region on the planet, after Asia, and is projecting that reality in its international relations.

Keywords: South America, international relations, foreign policy, United States, Europe, Asia.

The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language.