Return and reinsertion of Ecuadorian migrants: The importance of the transnational social networks

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_93-94
Publication date: 04/2011
Christian Schramm
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Within the context of migrations and Spanish and Ecuadorian plans for return, this article focuses on the ambiguous role played by transnational social relations in the migration stages of the return and reintegration of Ecuadorian migrants. One result of the study carried out in Ecuador in 2008 is a typology of returned migrants; or rather, that of typical migratory periods of time which contribute to a greater understanding of the interactions between the social network and the migration process. The results also include some reflections on the innovative potential and conditions for sustainable return.

Key words: Ecuadorian migrants, transnational relations, social capital, return and reintegration, innovations

The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language