The politico-normative approach of the EU and China towards Mercosur: a positive-sum game?

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_119
Publication date: 09/2018
Lincoln Bizzozero and Sophie Wintgens
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In the second decade of the 21st century, Mercosur is faced with two potentially influential politico-normative proposals: the EU’s and China’s. This paper analyses the content and scope of these two politico-normative approaches, as well as their respective impacts on the regional bloc in the context of domestic changes in the governments of Argentina and Brazil. The paper states that Mercosur has produced two external strategies: interregional with the EU and bilateral with China. There are structural limitations to this strategy as well as some that relate to Mercosur’s domestic policies, but it contains the foundations for the bloc’s normative convergence with these extraregional actors and ultimately a positive-sum game.

Keywords: EU, China, Mercosur, (inter)regionalism, politico-normative competition


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