Political Islam in the Mediterranean: Transformation and adaptation in a changing context

Publication date: 04/2011
Ferran Izquierdo Brichs (Coord.)

 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, nº 93-94

The fight for the democracy has come to the Arabic world and, though the changes that accompany her surely will not answer totally to the hopes of the population or will be suppressed, already nothing will be equal after the " days of the ire ". Up to this moment, the Islamist has occupied a central place in the debate on the transformations in the Arabic world, but the recent revolts seem to deny the importance that was continuing him granting. Since we will see, the Islamism has evolved to positions much more moderate than in the eighties or first ninety of last century.

At present, the islamist parties neither have the force of then, nor claim the same things, even they nor follow the same policies. In this respect, from Turkey to Morocco, happening for Syria, The Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Somalia, Algeria and Tunis, the articles gathered in this number of the Magazine CIDOB d'afers internacionals will be very useful to place the political Islam in the current context.

ISSN: 1133-6595 (edición impresa) / ISSN: 2013-035X (edición en línea)