Political developments in the Hashemite Kingdom: the Arab Spring from the Jordanian perspective

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_109
Publication date: 04/2015
Luis Melián Rodríguez
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In the context of the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa known as the Arab Spring, Jordan has remained at the second level both on the international scene and in the analyses made of this movement. The Hashemite Kingdom, characterised by its political stability and neutral position in the various confrontations that shape regional politics, has made changes in order to avoid the political processes being experienced by some of its neighbours. In this way, from a political science point of view and with an analysis that traces the processes, the developments that have taken place in Jordan are examined, putting particular emphasis on the central role of the tribal organisation within the monarchy.

Key words : processes of change, Arab Spring, Jordan, tribal politics, democratisation

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