Migration, Transnationalism and Asian business in Spain

Publication date: 10/2007
Joaquín Beltrán and Amelia Sáiz (coord.)

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 78

Coordinated by Joaquín Beltrán and Amelia Sáiz, this monographic work presents some of the results from one of the main lines of research of the CIDOB Foundation’s Asia Programme - “Asian communities in Spain: migration, transnationalism and ethnic business”. Particular emphasis is given to transnationalism as the new paradigm in studies on international migrations, and specifically the links that are mobilised and maintained in migration processes, whether they be social, cultural, economic, political or religious. It is specifically economic links that are the main area of study in most of the articles, which focus on the following issues: the transnationalism of Asian business in Spain; Asian women in family businesses; the Chinese wholesale trade in the city of Madrid and the Pakistani case in Barcelona; the Indo-stanic community in the Canary Islands, and Sindhi trade in the Mediterranean. Finally, and separately from the monographic theme, the work presents four articles on the transition to democracy in Indonesia, the reforms in China, the future of the Korean peninsula and the Latin America-United States-China triangle.

226 Pp.

ISSN: 1133-6595