Introduction: a new perspective on the Atlantic

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_102-103
Publication date: 09/2013
Anna Ayuso y Elina Viilup
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Historically speaking, the Atlantic has not functioned as a coherent unit with a clear delimitation; on the contrary, it is an open space, comprised of a number of interlinking communities. However, many different examples of trans-oceanic relations now exist, and new initiatives have emerged (mainly in the South) that are helping to change the political map of the Atlantic and to bring about an alternative Atlanticism to the traditional transatlantic relationship in the North. While the Atlantic has enormous potential for cooperation, it also brings with it huge economic, political, social and environmental challenges that require common solutions and which call for a rethinking of the existing systems of governance. This article represents an introduction to a series of reflections on Atlantic relations from different perspectives by the several authors who have contributed to this issue of the Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals.

Key words: Atlantic, cooperation, transatlantic relations, governance

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language