Introduction: interregional relations in the world order

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_110
Publication date: 09/2015
Jordi Bacaria and Valeria Valle
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This article will analyse factors which, since the end of last century, have made interregional relations very important to understand the world geopolitical and economic order. Interregional relations are defined as those which pertain to relations between regions or between a given state and a given region, or within a megaregion. This evolution results from: the growing demand in the emerging economies and the interaction among them, a new framework of interregional economic relations, and the development of new commercial channels. Finally, this
paper will introduce the different articled included in this issue.

Key words: interregional relations, North America, Europe, Asia, global value chains

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language