Institutions for High-Quality International Cooperation for Development

Publication date: 01/2006

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 72

A book which brings together the different presentations by renowned experts in the area of cooperation for development given in the conference held in May 2005 by the Association of Professionals for the Quality of Cooperation for Development (ACADE), the “la Caixa” Foundation and the CIDOB Foundation, on how to create professionals for cooperation. In order to meet the new challenges posed in a globalised world, gradually marked, in the sphere of cooperation, by the so-called Agenda for Development, the analysts coincide in approaching the main challenges that development organisations and their professionals have to meet in creating a sector of adaptable management orientated toward demand and, especially, to the need to attend to organisational learning.

200 pp.

issn: 1133-6595