Human Security: Concepts, Experiences and Proposals

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_76
Publication date: 02/2007
Rafael Grasa and Pol Morillas (coord.)
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 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 76

This monograph brings together the presentations made in the seminar, Human Security: Concepts, Experiences and Proposals, held at the CIDOB Foundation in May 2006. It presents the reflections of experts and scholars on human security, an expression that reflects the progressive convergence among the peace, security, development and human rights agendas. The expansion of the use of this term reveals that the challenges in the field of international security today involve the protection of the individual against progressively complex global threats, rather than only the military defence of the interests of the State. With the objective of analysing these debates in detail, this document is structured in two complementary parts. The first one, of a theoretical nature, deals with the analysis of this concept and its historical evolution through three articles. In them, the authors analyse the above-mentioned convergence of agendas which traditionally have been studied separately, the large schools of human security and the risks and potentialities of this term. In the second part, other studies review the application and practical doctrines of this expression through the experiences of Japan, the Balkans, Central America and the Mediterranean.

Co-ordinator: Rafael Grasa (Lecturer in International Relations and Secretary General of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Lecturer in the Barcelona Institute of International Studies, IBEI, and the CIDOB Foundation) and Pol Morillas (Analyst in the CIDOB Foundation)

251 pp.

ISSN: 1133-6595