FACTS national comparisons: Shared divides and narratives

Monografia CIDOB_84
Publication date: 09/2022
Federico Castiglioni, Researcher, Istituto Affari Internazionali
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In the long-lasting debate about the future of the European project one recurring complaint is the lack of a defined common identity. This cultural deficiency is often recognised as one of the European Union’s (EU) main weaknesses and brandished to rally support by several Eurosceptic parties across the continent. Yet, when citizens are surveyed directly and involved in real exchange over these issues, the resulting reality is far more complex. FACTS was designed to survey and compare political narratives about Europe in five EU countries: Germany, Spain, Poland, Greece and Italy. From this heterogenous array, the project’s institutional partners draw some conclusions about differences and similarities across EU public opinion. This comparative perspective was especially enlightening for the project’s central purpose: recognising the sources of dis(information) about the EU and the effect on public opinion.