FACTS – from alternative narratives to citizens true EU stories: A project living up to its name

Monografia CIDOB_84
Publication date: 09/2022
Krzysztof Głowacki, Analyst, WiseEuropa
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FACTS – From Alternative Narratives to Citizens True EU Stories – has been an exploration into the narratives that shape the European Union in the eyes of its citizens, into how information and misinformation may underlie such narratives, and how civic participation might neutralise misinformation within an inclusive model of democratic deliberation. Five member states were selected for examination: Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain.The project has been a collaborative effort between six European think tanks recognised for their expertise in the area of EU studies and solid track record of engagement with civil society. In their everyday work, these NGOs combine the analytical job of delivering stateoftheart scientific evidence to policymakers with a social responsibility to discuss their findings and to promote factbased public debate.