Este artículo analiza y compara el papel de la Comfort Women Justice Coalition (CWJC) en Estados Unidos y de Justice for Comfort Women (JCW) en Reino Unido durante el ciclo de protestas desatado por la red transnacional de advocacy de las «mujeres de conf

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_121
Publication date: 04/2019
María del Pilar Álvarez, investigadora del CONICET; profesora y directora del Programa Semilla de Estudios Coreanos, Universidad del Salvador (USAL).
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This paper analyses and compares the roles of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition (CWJC) in the United States and Justice for Comfort Women UK (JCW) during the cycle of protests unleashed by the transnational “comfort women” advocacy network between December 28th 2015 and September 30th 2016. The central hypothesis of the work is that the emergence of diasporic activism – in this case in defence of “comfort women” – does not constitute an isomorphic pattern of activism from abroad nor of linkage with the dominant actors in the transnational network. By combining classic discussions of movements and social networks with recent contributions on political activism in the diaspora, a qualitative case study is presented based on institutional material and semi-structured interviews with members of the JCW and the CWJC.

Key words:comfort women; diasporic activism; transnational networks; social movements; gender violence and international relations


>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language

How to cite this article:  Álvarez, María del Pilar. «Militancia diaspórica: el ciclo de acción colectiva de apoyo a las “mujeres de confort” en Europa y EEUU (2015-2016)». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 121 (abril de 2019). DOI: