Emerging realities in the European space: Complexity, mobility and intercultural dynamics

Publication date: 09/2011
Yolanda Onghena (Coord.)

CIDOB Journal of Afers Internacionals, no. 95

During the three European Union presidencies of the period 2010-2011 (Spain, Belgium and Hungary), a common project was initiated to explore – by means of multidisciplinary, open reflection – Europe’s emergence in the context of globalisation, de-territorialisation and complex cultural dynamics; by considering that any reflection on contemporary Europe should raise itself above the level of issues such as identity, ethnic conflicts, the nation-state, religious tolerance and essentialist cultural values; that the current reality demands that we concentrate on interactions in multiple contexts and networks, as well as seeing “Europe as an agora of multiple interactions or as a dynamic, complex system". The social complexity in which we live requires us to imagine scenarios of action that are capable of articulating a common sense of belonging. And within this framework, how can complexity theory be useful? We have to acknowledge that Europe is diversity; a multiplicity of identities with their own memories and desires for belonging. What would the missing link be that could bring about union and which, furthermore, could include this myriad of constants and variables, of continuities and breaks? It is this space that is the subject of the articles in this monographic work; reflections and new viewpoints capable of incorporating all manner of irregularities, exceptions and disagreements, to help us to comprehend an endless range of events with unforeseeable coincidences.

ISSN: 1133-6595 (print edition) / ISSN: 2013-035X (online edition)