Book reviews | The Latin American left after more than a decade in power

Revista CIDOB d'Afers internacionals_106-107
Publication date: 09/2014
María Reneé Barrientos Garrido
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Pedrosa, Fernando.  La otra izquierda. La socialdemocracia en América Latina . Capital Intelectual, 2012.  484 págs.

Levitsky, Steven y Roberts, Kenneth (eds.). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. The John Hopkins University Press, 2011. 496 págs.

Dominguez, Francisco; Lievesley, Ge­raldine y Ludlam, Steve (coords.). Right-wing Politics in the New Latin America: Reaction and Revolt. ZedBooks, 2011. 280 págs.

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