The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios

CIDOB participates as a partner in a project that will analyse the Future of EU-Turkey relations

Project number: GA: 692976
Duration: -
Budget: CIDOB: 210,875.00 €; Total: 2,500,895.63 €

The EU and Turkey face mounting challenges both in relation to one another and internationally. The EU has recently been confronted with a series of crises, e.g. in the economic and migration dimensions. These developments as well as the Brexit-question are likely to make differentiation a growing phenomenon. On the other hand, Turkey faces polarisation between different political forces, the state and civil society. The neighbourhood is unravelling to the east and south and a power shift is under way at global level. This questions the regional roles of Turkey and the EU.

Against this backdrop, FEUTURE’s research aims to:

  • map the dynamics of EU-Turkey relations as to underlying narratives and thematic drivers;
  • substantiate most likely future scenario(s) and assess its implications;
  • draw policy recommendations.

FEUTURE provides excellence and pursues an ambitious, inspiring and innovative programme in a three-phased structure of elaboration, exploration and extrapolation. It applies an inter-temporal, interdisciplinary and international approach by analysing drivers within six thematic dimensions (politics, security, economics, energy, migration, identity) and across four levels of analysis (EU, Turkey, neighbourhood, global).

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692976

Project Coordination: University of Cologne

Scientific Coordinator: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)


Researchers involved in the project:

  • Nicolás de Pedro
  • Melike Janine Sökmen
  • Irene Martínez Fernández
  • Elena Sánchez-Montijano
